The Lodge at Lincoln Peak by Sugarbush Warren VT Hotels
Quaint Vermont country inn located on the Sugarbush Access road, seconds from the slopes.
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Online availability:
In order to explore individual residence or size availability, dates are required. Please enter your dates in the booking bar.
The newly renovated Lodge at Lincoln Peak is now open.
What was the old Sugar Lodge on the last stretch of the Access Road is now the newly renovated Lodge at Lincoln Peak. Beginning in the spring of '23, Sugarbush Resort invested $1+ million to completely to renovate the property's 22 units and common areas to blend a classic Vermont lodge experience with well-appointed amenities found in each of the Lodge's guest rooms and two suites. Located less than a mile from the Resort, the Lodge at Lincoln Peak offers quick access to some of the best skiing and riding in New England, and the speak-easy après scene found in its seasonally operational Black Sheep Bar.
To reach the front desk, call 802-583-6450.
Be one of the first to experience the new Lodge at Lincoln Peak.
rich-text, responsive-table
What was the old Sugar Lodge on the last stretch of the Access Road is now the newly renovated Lodge at Lincoln Peak. Beginning in the spring of '23, Sugarbush Resort invested $1+ million to completely to renovate the property's 22 units and common areas to blend a classic Vermont lodge experience with well-appointed amenities found in each of the Lodge's guest rooms and two suites. Located less than a mile from the Resort, the Lodge at Lincoln Peak offers quick access to some of the best skiing and riding in New England, and the speak-easy après scene found in its seasonally operational Black Sheep Bar.
To reach the front desk, call 802-583-6450.
Be one of the first to experience the new Lodge at Lincoln Peak.
rich-text, responsive-table
Lodging Offerings
Effortlessly, you can find yourself minutes from world class skiing - restaurants, and so many more amenities. Sugarbush is more that winter, - summer and fall offer exceptional walking, world class golfing, biking trails, rivers for boating and activities only limited by your imagination. Complimentary access to the Sugarbush Health & Recreation Center only available through Sugarbush Resort reservations.
Building Amenities
- SHaRC Access with Resort Reservations
- Shuttle Service in Peak Season
The Lodge at Lincoln Peak
Please enter dates to see nightly rates and availability.
Please enter dates to see nightly rates and availability.
The Lodge at Lincoln Peak
No units matching your search criteria, or not finding the right option? This could be for various reasons, including minimum nights required, partial availability, etc. We can help! Call our Vacation Planners at 802-552-4007.
Price per night: